Stone Lithography

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Gain an insight into this traditional printmaking process, often described as one of the most painterly of printmaking techniques. Explore the fascinating medium of stone lithography and take the opportunity to draw and paint on the surface of a finely grained Bavarian limestone block.

Under the guidance of APW's expert printers, participants will learn how to use various drawing materials to create an image directly onto the stone and how to print a limited edition. Whether you're an aspiring printmaker or an artist seeking to expand your skills, this class offers a creative and rewarding journey into the world of lithography. All skill levels are welcome.

The fee for this two-day duration class includes materials. Participants will create an image up to a maximum of 12cm x 18cm in size and we recommend bringing along image ideas, sketches, drawings, photos, etc that are relevant to the graphic nature of the medium.


Conditions of Enrolment

Full payment must be made at time of registration. Refunds will only be given if:

  • Payment is received after the class has been filled.

  • The class is cancelled.

  • The participant notifies APW of their withdrawal at least 14 days before the start date of the class (a fee of $50 will be charged for each withdrawal).

APW is not responsible for non-refundable airline or travel tickets or accommodation purchased by class participants. Parking is restricted around APW. Public transport is a convenient alternative. APW reserves the right to add, withdraw or vary the program.

Should you have any questions regarding this class and/or APW’s conditions of enrolment please don’t hesitate to contact us.